Sunday, September 14, 2008

Trip to the Zoo

Sorry it's been a while since I have blogged. We have been pretty busy. Two weeks ago Daniel's family came to visit us here in the outback. We had fun and went to the zoo. Daniel and I bought a season pass so now we can go whenever we want. This is a zoo that you can drive through and also ride your bike. It was also Father's Day last week. We went down to the local park with some other families and had a bbq, played tennis, and then went to the pub and had dinner. And yes, Daniel is so lucky, he gets two Father's Days. Enjoy the pics!


Aunt Mary said...

Hi there kids! We always buy a season pass to the Zoo too. Then we can go on Sabbath afternoon and not have to pay! Uncle Perry feels right at home with all the animals, kind of like farming. We cannot get as close to the animals. They say they may bite us so they have a double fence between to keep us far enough away from that giraffe's long tongue. So nice to see Addie enjoys the animals too. Miss you guys, hugs and love, Auntie M