Thursday, July 29, 2010

Grammy's Visit

Welcome Gram!  

Our first and only Sabbath at church.  Adeline got sick the first few days Mom was visiting and was sick the entire month.  We are doing a "God the Builder" theme and the kids love it!

Adeline starting to not feel good but loving the big open yard....and the Graham Crackers Gram brought with notice the eyes a party in her mouth!


Dress up....sooooo sick but still having fun!

Adeline is so excited to see Toy Story 3!  She had to wear her Jessie shirt and bring her friends to see it too!

We went to see Dora Live and afterward had Adeline's favorite treat...pancakes with ice cream.  Still didn't realize just how sick she was or I would have reconsidered the meal!!  But we still had a good time!

Some of Adeline's a new toys...uhhhh I think we need to discuss anatomy again!

Finally taking Adeline to the doctor...turned out to be pneumonia!!! 

Adeline loves to snuggle! I love it!

Mom teaching Adeline to sew...already!!!  Awesome...soon she will be sewing my buttons on!

Loving her new bed!

The tent that we build on a daily basis!

The totally wonderful yet way to expensive bulletin board...but damn...doesn't it look good!

As Adeline got better...a month later...we decided to venture out to the Billabong Park.

Mom getting friendly with the locals!

Gram always gives the best baths!!!

And out trip ended with some amazing views!  We miss you Gram! Can't wait to see you again soon!

Hope your happy....when will I post again....nobody knows...but when I will keep you on your toes!!!


Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Hello readers.


Go to a mirror.


Look at yourself.  

Now look back to me.

 Now look at yourself again.

 Now, look back to me.  

Sadly, you are not me....but if you decided to start blogging you would realized just how hard it is

to keep up with it.  

So soon you will have a new update and I will try my hardest to keep up with some other well

known blogger that we all may love and know.

(love this commercial!!)  

Forever struggling to keep motivated,


Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Things I love about my Mom

                                (Hmmm do you think we look like Mother/Daughter??)

As you all may know, my Mom is here from Texas and this has reminded me of all the great things about Moms and why they are so special....

1.  Love unconditionally

2.  Sew curtains

3.  Keep the house clean why you are at work

4.  Play with their grandchild all day long without getting tired while....

5.  Still having dinner on the table when you get home from work.

6.  Long talks at any point in the day without it costing money

7.  Getting a girls opinion on decorating ideas

8.  My Mom bringing special treats from Little Miss Debbie cakes!!!

9.  But best of all, coming home from work and just knowing that she is here, that I can see her at anytime of the day and can enjoy her wonderful company.