Thursday, January 22, 2009

Welcome to Australia Stow-Away!

As we were unpacking we were suprised to have a very special friend of Brians pop out of one of the boxes. BB Bear!!!! Yay! He had quite a long trip traveling by sea for 6 weeks. He enjoyed having a good bite to eat prepared by Adeline before deciding to relax by the pool.

Well, we are going to show this stow-away a good time before returning him to Uncle Bubby. Stay tuned for more adventures of BB Bear!


Aunt Mary said...

Glad to see he has on his hat to keep him from getting sunburned! Have a wonderful imaginative time with him and Adeline. And continue to capture it in pictures. We love you all, Auntie M

Anonymous said...

Hey, I remember that bear!! Hope to see it soon, along with Adeline and Amber. Love you guys, G-Pa

Anonymous said...

Hey! It's my childhood pal, B.B. (Big Brown) Bear! I suppose he just couldn't resist the opportunity to escape the heat of Grammy's attic! I wonder if he expected to find himself on the other side of the world? I'm happy that he's in good hands and I'm sure he will enjoy his vacation. Looks like he is enjoying his pool time, and I'm sure he was impressed with this music device we call an iPod. The last thing he used was a tape Walkman. I can't wait to welcome him and his tour guides in March!

Much Love-
Uncle Bubby