Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Daniel's crazy beard

Daniel was growing his beard for a charity event at school. The kids all paid a small amount for a raffle ticket and the ticket that was pulled got to paint Daniel's beard whatever color they wanted. The kids had a great time and Daniel raised a good amount of money for the mission trip.

The school crowd waiting for the name to be picked.

The lucky winner!

The painting begins.

The finished product! All for a good cause!


Aunt Mary said...

All for a good cause! I'm loving your willingness, Daniel. Did the red paint stain your skin too? Was Addie sad to see you shave it off? Love and miss you all, Auntie M

Grammy said...

Thank you, thank you for posting some pictures. What a treat! What a great idea Daniel had to raise money for the mission trip. I know the kids think he is so cool.

Can't wait to see all of you in September and go to the rainforest. Addie is growing so much and having a grand life in Australia. I love you all.
