Monday, December 21, 2009

Long Time Coming!

So this has been a long time coming!  Sorry I haven't posted any pics know how it goes...Mom was here visiting, then Daniels friend Ryan, then our computer crashes and we lose all our pics!!  I have found a few that were still on our camera so enjoy! Miss you all!



Aunt Mary said...

We sure miss you all and hope your Christmas was a Merry one. I am sure you Skyped with your Mom, and Dad and Uncle Bob's place. I know they enjoy seeing you all. Carter got his two front teeth for Christmas so LJ is very happy. Hopefully he will go back to sleeping more at night. We were caught in a major blizzard that dumped over 2 feet of snow on us (closer to 3 feet I think) and we are still trying to dig out. Nowhere to put all the white stuff. Want some???? Happy New Year to you all. Hugs and love, Auntie M