Monday, January 30, 2012

First Day of School

Today was Adeline's first day of school.  She was very excited this morning and couldn't wait to leave.  Unfortunately I didn't do her hair the right way but that was the only "crisis" we had.  When I dropped her off she was only a little apprehensive because she was the last one in the circle....were we late? No not today.  We were on time...everyone else was just insanely early. (at least that's what I will tell myself.)

So now I get to spend every day all day with this man...

My day won't be filled with too many tears today!

Loving my kids more than ever today,


Uncle Bob said...

Life is full of these transitions. We just went through one with Alli getting her driver's license. I am sure that her 18th birthday will also be a big one. High School graduation, moving away to college, 21st birthday, getting her college degree, all of these things are transitions for a child. You have lots to look forward to, you guys. Adeline is such a cute, vivacious girl and she will bring you so much joy in the years ahead.

And that little man child, Liam...what a happy boy he appears to be. Amber, you will have lots of fun bonding time just one-on-one with him for a few years now. So much to look forward to. Love you guys.

Grammy said...

Love the pictures of the kids. Can't wait to see more. Have fun at school my precious and have fun with Mom my little man.
Much love from Grammy.

Aunt Mary said...

Amber and Daniel....first day of school? Hard to believe she is old enough for that. Liam appears to be such a happy little man. I know they all have their down times but he always looks so happy. You will have a great time one on one with him. Love you all and tell Addie we are so proud of her getting to go to school. Does she go to Daniel's school? I found it interesting that Uncle Bob didn't mention the milestone of Alli's first boyfriend. That is a biggy too. Hugs and love, Auntie M

Julene said...

Your kids are TOO cute! Contrats on going to school...I have one more year to BOTH my kids are in school. Take care!