Sunday, June 1, 2008

Feeding the lambs

Click here to see some more fun pictures!

Here is a video of the country that we live in!

Some neighbors of ours have a few baby lambs that got lost from the herd and are being bottle fed. Adeline had a great time chasing them around. We also spent the afternoon cutting wood for the next few weeks. I took a few pictures of what the area looks like where we live. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

I have several thoughts on the pics. First, I am so happy that somebody took pictures of you because you are rarely in any of them. Second, I love Adeline's bucket/purse, she is absolutely adorable! I miss you tons and love seeing your pictures. It kind of looks like NM there, I would feel right at home:)
Love you,

Aunt Mary said...

Hey there kiddos, I actually got tears in my eyes seeing all of you with the lambs. It brings back so many memories of JP and LJ feeding their lambs, Pixie and Dixie, when they were young. I am so happy that Adeline will have this farm experience, just too bad she won't be a few years older so she will remember it first hand. I believe every child needs a farm experience so they understand where their food comes from, and the animals don't all live in a zoo! God bless you both for giving her this experience. We love and miss you so much. Glad your Mom is going to travel to see you there....she will have so much fun with Addie now that she is bigger. Hugs and love all around,