Ooops, did you get yourselves thrown out of the game preserve?? I can see the headlines the next day, "Koala blinded by careless American visitors. Those crazy Americans!" It was an obvious accident, a good thing you have the tape to prove it. Koalas are very awesome animals, unlike any creature we have naturally in America. I am so envious of the neat things you are able to see and do that are so different there. Enjoy it all you can. Hugs and Love, Auntie M
Ooops, did you get yourselves thrown out of the game preserve?? I can see the headlines the next day, "Koala blinded by careless American visitors. Those crazy Americans!" It was an obvious accident, a good thing you have the tape to prove it. Koalas are very awesome animals, unlike any creature we have naturally in America. I am so envious of the neat things you are able to see and do that are so different there. Enjoy it all you can. Hugs and Love, Auntie M
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