I suppose it's only a matter of time that our children become "mini-me's"...I just didn't think it would happen with Adeline so soon. Let me explain in more detail what I am talking about....
I have always had a few pet hates...to name a few...
1. Talking on the phone while someone else is eating. I hate listening to someone chew on the phone.
2. Watching someone blow their nose...ewwww.
3. Watching someone pick their nose...double ewwww.
4. Talking to someone when they have food in their teeth and you don't hear anything they are saying because they have that little bit of food stuck and it is so distracting....I am the person who tells you, no matter who you are or how long I have known you.
Those are the few items that just bug me, nag me, annoy me to know end. It's funny how these pet hates carry on to our children....
I can remember driving in the car with my wonderful Mother and looking over and seeing this huge massive piece of food in her teeth, and I say annoyed
Me: Mom, you have this huge piece of food in your teeth.
Mom: Oh is it bothering you (as she smiles really big to rub it in)
Me: Yes, gross, get it out
Mom: Ok, where is it at
I show her getting so grossed out....
She tries to get it out with no luck and keeps asking
Mom: Did I get it yet?
Me: No! It's gross!
And when she finally gets it, my Mother laughs and says
Mom: When you have a daughter she is going to do the same thing to you...you just wait.
Well Mom, my time has come. And she is only 3! I can only imagine what it's going to be like when she is a teenager!
Adeline: Mom, you have something in your teeth.
Me: Really (smiling really big) where is it?
Adeline: Right there (pointing to my teeth)
Me: Did I get it (after picking at it to try and get it out)
Adeline: Uhhhh, actually no
Me: Did I get it now (having another shot at it with my fingernail)
Adeline: Uhhhh, actually no. Gross Mom!
So I get up and go to the bathroom to get it out and as I do I start cracking up reflecting back to all those times I nagged my mother. What goes around, comes around and I am getting so scared!!!!
The first of many "go rounds" that you will hear from that little tape machine! Grin and bear it, it happens to us all. Give her many smooches from her Auntie M., and make her give you a bunch back. Hugs and love all around, Auntie M
Love it! I guess we won't be too far behind :-)
What a great story!
I can only hope that this spirited attitude continues for many years to come....payback girly!!!!!!!!!
I do love you
If you think that you are scared with what is coming when she is only 3, wait a few more years until she is 14 and that fear will morph into sheer terror. We all eventually become our parents. With every passing day, I see more of my father in me, whether it is my attitudes, my physical appearance, or other things. Then, I tell myself to wear it proudly. After all, your Granddad was a pretty special guy.
Uncle Bob
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