Thursday, April 29, 2010

So I haven't blogged in a while for several reasons but the most relevant is because I have a Sony camera and if any of you have a Sony camera you know that they thought they would be cool and not join the bandwagon of using SD cards.  So I have an MS Duo.  And I bought the camera two years ago.  Now Sony realized how retarded they were and have done away with the MS Duo cards and stopped manufacturing the adaptors.  And guess what I lost...yep the adaptor.  So now I have a camera with hundreds of photos that I can't get off because they no longer manufacture the parts.  So does anyone have any ideas of a good camera that doesn't have retarded ideas of being different?  Any help would be great.


Aunt Mary said...

Go on e-bay, or have Mom do it, and look for an adapter. That is the best way to find things that are no longer manufactured, especially if they stopped making them just recently. Good luck honey, can't wait to see pictures. Hugs and love, Auntie M