Thursday, August 5, 2010


Kitchen clean......check

Bathroom clean......check

House dusted......check

Food purchased.....check

Lets see....whats left...


Mop floor

Clean toilet room

Plan Sabbath school lesson (Yikes!)

Cook lots of food

Well, it doesn't seem like I have a lot to do but I can guarantee you my Daniel (and my heart) is feeling the pressure.

Am doing some meditative breathing to try and calm myself down.  Hope that works!  

Will keep you updated...

Craving a coke,



Mom said...

Keep up the breathing, it should help. Remember what I always say, "this too will pass"! You'll look back and say "hey it all turned out grand. I did a good job!" Wish you and Addie weren't sick with that awful cold. Love you, miss you, hear you, praying.


Aunt Mary said...

How did your get together go? I know you are your mother's daughter so it was absolutely spectacular. Even if somethings were amiss, for the most part it was perfect! Right?? We were all praying for you. Love you, Auntie M