Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Spring is here!

Check out that tide...or lack of it! We hadn't been to Crescent Head beach in ages and the whole sand bar had changed. And with the tide out the beach had these great little pools for Adeline to play in (and Guinness of course).

Hello Guinness...yes Daddy can see you!

I love how Daniel is standing at the top of the hill looking down at us. We look so small yet so distinct.

Perfect shot....well, almost...Liam looks like he is trying to fly!

Well, we will fly another day,



Kena said...

Those pictures are great. Beautiful!

Grammy said...

Amber, you look great! Skinny minnie. How's that sling working out?
Look how beautiful it is where you live. How blessed are you!?

Love Mom

Aunt Mary said...

I want to live at the beach again, too! I am so jealous, but glad you can enjoy it while we get ready for snow...YUK!