(Adeline's Sabbath School class performing in church. I love seeing her light up for Jesus!)
Nothing gives me more joy than hearing my husband and daughter sing Bible songs during bedtime. Do you have any favorite Bible songs?
(Adeline's Sabbath School class performing in church. I love seeing her light up for Jesus!)
Standing On The Promises of God!
He has promised not to give us more than we can handle. I love that promise.
Warms my heart. Love you. Mom
The kids favorite, many years ago, was a question and response song, Leader: "Oh Addie do you love Jesus," Addie: "oh yes I love Jesus," L: "Are you sure you love Jesus," A: "I'm sure I love Jesus," L: "Tell me why do you love Jesus," A: "Here's why I love Jesus," together: "Because he first loved me, that's the reason we all aught to love him. Oh, how I love Jesus, Oh, how I love Jesus, Oh, how I love Jesus, because he first loved me." They loved singing in questions and answers. Also, "I Don't Have To Wait Until I'm Grown Up, To Be What Jesus Wants Me To Be." LJ sang that at 4 standing on a chair in front of the church during an evangelistic service. The beginning of her singing career! We love and miss you all, Auntie M
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