Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Parenting 101

As you know from the previous post, I love my child, more than anything in the world and I don't know how any parent can NOT love their child more than anything in the world...but there are those parents out there. And it's horrible when you see or hear about parents abusing children and you feel empathy and you think how can these parents act this way.  But what I feel is heartbreak and sadness and fear and empathy.  I don't ever feel angry...maybe because I think there has to be something totally mentally unstable for any parent to act this way...they couldn't actually be sane individuals...right??

But the parents that really tick me off, that make me angry and pissed off and scream at the evening news broadcaster out loud that deliver this appalling information are the ones that say they love their children but are so busy they forget that their child in the car in 100 degree weather and shop for 3 hours, or the ones that are too busy talking on their cell phone to see that there child has run off and gotten lost.  Those are the parents that urk me.  Those are the parents that know better and are so self absorbed they can't pay attention to the one thing that should be most important.  Today I met and finally confronted one of these parents...and it felt good...

I was at Target shopping and saw a man, lets call him Bad Parent (BP), talking with his one year old little boy, sort of playing, at the toy isle.  I stopped at the mens sock isle across the way debating what kind of socks my Daniel would like, which, if any of you know my Daniel, is a really hard decision. So it took me about 5 minutes to finally make a decision...about socks.  Anyway, I come out of the isle to see the little boy looking at some toys.  But I didn't see his BP.  So I look up and down the toy isles thinking that the BP is probably close by, but nope, I didn't see him.  So I stand there watching the boy look at the toys and pick one up and start looking for his BP.  I would say about 5 minutes have gone by so far.  Then way down the center isle I see the BP texting on his phone not even looking for his child.  After he is done texting he goes down another isle in the media area, not even caring where his child is.  I am getting angry now, thinking to myself, some "baddie"could just take this little boy and this BP wouldn't even know.  At this point this cute little boy is carrying a huge box twice his size looking for his BP and starting to whine.  So I get worried and take the toy and his hand carefully so he doesn't get scared and walk him all the way to the other side to his BP, who by the way, is still texting.  Just thinking about it is making me get sick and angry.  So I say to the BP...

me: is this your son?

BP: oh yes, thank you (with a nervous laugh)

me:  (thinking: he thinks this is funny!!! UGGHHHH!!!) you should be ashamed of yourself.  anyone could have picked him up and taken off with him. texting is not more important than your children.  get your priorities straight.  

I say this glaring with red hot flames coming out of my eyes and mouth.

And with that I turn around and try to calm myself down.  

Maybe it's just me but now that I have Adeline I am way more accute to the "baddies" that are out there ready to pounce when some idiot parent is not watching their kid.  That has to be my number one fear.  

So parents, (if there are any that read this besides me...because yes I do read my that weird??) put your cell phones down and pay attention to your children and if they are wanderers put them in a cart and who cares if they cry and make a scene, they will get over it and at least you would have your beautiful child safe.

(ok...getting of my soap box now...)



Mom said...

So glad you confronted the BP....he needed a swift kick in the pants. You go girl.

Love you,

Aunt Mary said...

Woot woot for a Mom not afraid to stand up and say something to someone. He probably forgot he even had the child with him, being so engrossed in what he was texting and shopping for. Sadness for the child having a parent in charge of him like that. Love you good parent! Auntie M